The Secret of Moving from ‘Fight or Flight’ to ‘Holding Space’

The Secret of Moving from ‘Fight or Flight’ to ‘Holding Space’

As a Guide in the Lineage of King Salomon, I am constantly supporting my clients in conversations where they are experiencing some form of resistance. Yesterday, I discovered another example of “what we resist, persists.”

When someone comes at us with their [untrue] story and we feel threatened, we usually do a version of one of these two things:

  • We fight—“That’s not true!” “You don’t know me.” “I AM lovable.”
  • We project—“I’m not mad, you’re mad.” “This isn’t my issue, it’s your issue.”
  • Sometimes we do both!

Between fighting for our own truth, and projecting our hurt feelings onto others, we get thrown off our center and into negative emotions more interested in tearing the other person down rather than holding them compassionately in their process of becoming.

Have you ever felt like that?

And their story about us MAY be wrong, or we MAY actually be mad, but not at what the other person thinks we’re mad about. Oftentimes empaths get into trouble trying to interpret or place a false story on their very real sensory experience. In any case, there is a lack of understanding because there is a lack of listening.

As a Guide, my role is to clarify and inspire people on their evolutionary path of progression.

I discussed a scenario like this that my client had recently, as well as some potential approaches. A team mate asked for time off, but instead of going directly to my client, the employee went through another team member, the office manager. The way she communicated the message was, “I know you’ll probably be mad, but…” My client had a knee-jerk reaction which she regretted later.

So often team members will project their hurt feelings onto the leader. I offered to my client that resisting the initial conversation with her office manager about whether she’d be mad had stopped the flow of energy in the conversation. This left us with a pool of emotional energy that needed to be released the next day, when the office manager brought it up again (passive aggressively).

When we allow others to be heard fully, and actually make the effort to articulate their story in their own words, we get out of the way and allow that emotional energy to continue to flow. If my client had said something along the lines of, “I understand you think I’ll be mad about this,” this allows the story to move instead of getting stuck somewhere in our body. Whenever we resist communication flowing to us, it usually gets stuck in our aura. When we allow it to flow, we have the opportunity to use our will to redirect the energy to create a higher good—like understanding, empathy, compassion.

The key to ‘holding space’ is that it doesn’t matter whether the story is true, what matters is that the energy moves. 

By facilitating and redirecting the flow of energy, Adepts, and particularly Ritual Masters, in our lineage are able to be drivers of their reality rather than passengers experiencing the ups and downs of their lower brain. This helps create thriving relationships, both personally and professionally.

Live an Unlimited Life

Live an Unlimited Life

“The core of what I believe is that what we cannot see is more powerful than what we can see. That’s just a core belief of mine. In addition to that, we all have access to more than we know and sometimes the knowing is what gets in the way of what we have access to.” ~Sage Crump

From the beginning of our study in metaphysics, and particularly Hermetics, we are confronted with the sobering truth that of all the resources we have at our disposal to answer one of life’s most profound questions, “Who am I?” is greatly limited by what we perceive. 

What we perceive constrains us. It’s in our ignorance of what we DON’T know where we remain trapped in an almost certain future to be played out according to the logical probabilities of our circumstances. However, like a computer program, when given new programming, an entirely new set of potentialities can catapult us into an entirely new potential future.

For example, contrary to observable phenomena, we are going to Hawai’i much earlier than when we get on the airplane to fly there. We are going to Hawai’i as soon as we purchase our tickets. We might announce to the world (i.e. post on Facebook) that we will soon replace the gray in our weather and mood with those desirable, sun-filled beaches in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. We haven’t left yet, but in our mind, we’re already on our way. 

The act of purchasing the tickets means something and ‘meaning’ in and of itself not observable. It has a greater impact than the 4 elements on your state of mind. The tickets just look like pieces of paper, but the value they have to the individual whose name is lucky enough to be on them is immeasurable.

It’s not a big logical leap, my friends, to the realization that we are limited NOT by the physical laws and apparent boundaries of our 3-D universe, but in fact by those of our mind.

The Universe is MIND

How we interpret, measure, and discern our reality says more about us than about the outside world we seek to explain. We may think that we are conquering nature with our formidable intellect only to be sideswiped by an unknown variable that changes everything. 

What’s possible in life is a function of your capacity to dream big dreams. You are not limited. Your consciousness limits you. Bring more tools, energies, ideas into your consciousness AND the power/will/energy to use them, then watch what happens to your life. Program your consciousness with the food you eat, the art you consume, the people you surround yourself with. In the traditional mystery schools, we use Life Activations to accelerate your opening up progress.

This is why Newton, Copernicus, and Einstein caused waves in the field of physics and continue to inspire new generations of outside the box thinkers. It’s imagination that led them to fields of discovery previously unknown. It’s in our way of thinking, our mind, that the bounds of our universe are created.

It’s time to MIND UP

“If the universe is about realizing its own mental potential in some way, if it’s going to end up in effect, a mental as well as a physical phenomena—that completely changes the character of things.”

Mastering your reality, achieving the life of your dreams, creating results that defy the logic of your present circumstances all require an expansion of what’s currently possible not in your physical reality, but in your mind. It’s time to MIND UP and receive the universal potentialities which are constantly flowing towards you, to be made aware through tools like those given in traditional metaphysics, and more specifically in the lineage of King Salomon, to capture and work with that energy for the betterment of yourself and those around you.