How to Take the Mystery Out of a Mystery School

How to Take the Mystery Out of a Mystery School

I often share with students that the mystery school teachings aren’t intended to be secret. The mysterious and esoteric nature of the teachings can appear like they are secret, but this is not intentional. Our teachers aren’t trying to hide sacred knowledge, indeed they’re trying to spread it! The Dalai Lama made it very clear to our Founder that this is the “time of no more secrets.”

The issue with understanding esoteric knowledge is with our own consciousness. Can we actually understand what it is that our teachers are saying? Do we perceive the information with a clear and open mind? Can we receive knowledge without prior knowledge clouding our clear vision of what is being shared? Are our ‘impurities’ getting in the way of us truly realizing the depth of what is being shared?

We can only acquire the deeper, secret teachings of mystery schools through self-discipline, concentration, and meditation that leads to insight. Upon hearing a teaching, a surface level understanding of the information is usually not sufficient for understanding the entirety of what is being shared. We must reach down into the depths of our own experience and view the information from a variety of different perspectives in order to assimilate into our consciousness the full benefit of the teachings. Experiencing the teaching in life “as lived” which is to say, in the everyday moments of our existence, is where the true (and lasting) benefits can emerge.

Gaining secret teachings and applying them for benefit in our own lives does require effort. In sitting with our mystery school teachers, we are not guaranteed learning. The only thing that is guaranteed is that if we do the work, take the actions our teachers recommend, live our life according to the principles they teach (as best as we can perceive them), then we will get results. Our spiritual progression is up to us, our teachers are waiting for us to understand what they are already delivering to us in every moment. We need to be ready to receive.

What mystery school practices do you engage in to prep yourself for deeper teachings and insights?

Secrets Unveiled—How to Unlock Men

Secrets Unveiled—How to Unlock Men

Being a man in society today comes with many challenges. We are taught that it’s not OK to cry or be vulnerable. Some cultures have a certain ‘machismo’ or ‘macho’ culture that includes social pressure to be self-reliant, and to be the protector and provider for the family unit. The meaning of what it is to be a man has been obscured, ridiculed, labeled as ‘toxic’ or ‘exaggerated’ to criticize or denigrate characteristics of being man related to power, code, responsibility, and honor.

Then, as the ultimate challenge to manhood, men who want to ‘reform’ or ‘do better’ but with nowhere to turn, and with seemingly everything about being a ‘man’ offensive to someone, oftentimes are pressured into becoming more like women.

So in the end, society is killing the concept of man.

All is not lost for men, however. A wise man once said:

“Whatever, on its destruction or intellectual analysis, ceases to convey an idea, like a vase of water, is relatively existent; all else is ultimately real.” ~unknown Tibetan Lama

Those who study wisdom traditions know that this effort to destroy manhood lacks skillful inquiry and is doomed to fail. The above quote applies to the war going on about the construct of gender. It implies that anything that is not ultimately real will “cease to convey an idea” upon its destruction. 

Hermetic and Universal Law teach us that gender is not a construct, it is ultimately real. Even after academia has completely destroyed the concept of gender through many faulty and baseless arguments, they can never destroy the universal truth that nothing can be created in this world without the masculine energy conjoining with and reacting to the feminine. 

Even upon its ‘destruction or intellectual analysis’, the concept of gender still conveys an important idea—that where we come from is gendered and there are ultimate differences between the two which allow for creation and manifestation to happen.

So, not only is ‘being a man’ not going away, masculinity and ‘being a man’ has a meaning distinct from the character and experience of being a woman. It’s up to us to discover a renewed, authentic masculinity that both men and women can rely on to do what it’s uniquely designed to do: initiate, order, force, and connect.

‘Being a man’ is a practice, and it’s perfection arises in the continual effort to be a better man, and thus is an effort never quite complete. 

Join the live panel discussion tomorrow evening Jan 12th @7pm ET/4pm PT as we continue to perfect manhood by ‘Unlocking Men’