How to Find Beauty Wherever You Look

How to Find Beauty Wherever You Look

“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson 

I believe these words become more true the more you travel.  With the perspective that you gain as you travel, you learn to see and experience and transform your perspective. You can only really impact your life and your heart in this way when you’re out of your normal context. This is why I love to travel—it takes me out of my normal context.

Oftentimes we go through life and don’t see the transformative experiences that happen right in front of us because of the context that we’re in. We see ourselves in our normal lives, our normal day, and anything that does not fit into that normality gets filtered out by the brain as unimportant or extraneous or weird.

We miss the sunset because we’re ‘just trying to get home’ or we miss the flowers in the market because ‘there’s no one at home I’m trying to impress.’ So we miss the beautiful and new that’s actually happening right before us. 

I often tell my initiates that at first the impact of the lineage on your life is only noticeable by other people. This is because they can see that you have changed between now and the last time they saw you. You’re with yourself every moment of everyday, so you may not catch the subtle differences in attitude or energy level that is so apparent to others. 

It’s easier to see the differences those changes are making when there is some time between each experience, but you’ll never have the benefit of that as a self-observer

For you, waking up everyday looking at yourself in the mirror, you only see incrementally changes that don’t look as big, but overtime they add up! 

There is beauty in your path and there is beauty in who you are and there’s beauty in the energy that you bring to your life. When you start to see that beauty inside of you then you can actually see that in the people around you, and in the places and in the objects outside of you. 

So really everything that we experience outside of us, including the beauty we see, is sourced from within. We just need to bring that out and develop a practice of starting from within to acknowledge our Divinity and acknowledge our beauty and then bring that out into the world, rather than taking what we seem to see in the world outside of us inward, usually an ego-driven desire or reaction of protection or fear. 

So it’s time to reverse the flow of your energy instead of taking things from outside and bringing them in, it’s now time to take the beauty and the Eternal nature from within you outward. Why? Because we need you, we need your perspective, we need your divinity expressed. We love you. We need your gifts in the world now more than ever. See you on the path of the Great Work—your own path of Beauty.

Re-design Your Life to Access Your Greatest Joy

Re-design Your Life to Access Your Greatest Joy

You make choices everyday which impact countless possible outcomes in your life. Sometimes I call these timelines. These timelines represent possible paths your life can take based on your choices. When you sit down and consider how differently your life can unfold based on whether you choose to stay or go, get up or lie down, say ‘Yes!’ or say ‘No,’ you might find yourself completely mind-boggled.

Unlike a computer game or simulation, you can’t save your game, or return back to the beginning and start over again. You’re stuck with the results of your choices, and you have to deal with the outcomes. You may inadvertently hurt someone’s feelings or do something you regret later. You may take a chance that you’ve never taken before and it begins a grand adventure into the unknown. We can never know for sure where life is going to take us, but there are few things we can learn along the way to make the journey a bit easier.

Fortunately we’re working in a universe with certain predictable laws—and I’m not talking about the Laws of Thermodynamics or some other branch of Physics. These “physical” laws typically break down when applied at universal proportions. I’m talking about Universal Law. It’s the set of laws that maintains balance in the universe. 

When you take an action, the Universe will respond based on Universal Law. That means that once you understand how these laws work, you can predict what will happen based on the actions you are taking. 

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about: where attention goes, energy flows. This is an example of how it’s most helpful to consider the universe as actually a mental phenomena, and will respond to your thoughts. You should carefully consider your thoughts on a daily basis, and engage in rituals and habits that produce certain thoughts based on the outcomes you want to see.

This is typically the opposite way that people think. Things happen, and then you think thoughts about them. Not the other way around, right?Well, how would your life be different if you chose what thoughts you wanted to think and then watched your life begin to shift to be in alignment with those thoughts? This would be an experience of life that exists as a result of your thoughts. Rather than something happening to you, it happens for you.

As a human being, you have an impact on what will result based on the predictable effects of Universal Law. The discipline of metaphysics has studied Universal Law for ages and ages, and it is your birthright to have access to these hidden teachings that have been kept pure, waiting for you to ask the right question. No doubt you’ve heard before, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

Reach out to me if you’re interested in how to re-design your life to be in flow with your true and highest purpose. As you may have guessed with this article, we start with your thoughts and build sustainable structures for your life path from there. 

We need you to be fully self-expressed here on Earth, so waste no time and let me know that you’re ready to begin the journey to Know Thyself today! I’m here to guide and support you on this awakening journey whenever you are ready.

It’s time to exit the Matrix

It’s time to exit the Matrix

My journey seeking truth started at a very early age when my concept of right/wrong seemed so…simplistic. There was always a right answer, and a wrong answer; a right way to be, and a wrong way to be; the right thing to say and well, ok, lots of wrong things to say, to be fair.

In short, there were plenty of things for me to react against and resist. Why can’t I do that? Why can’t I say this? Why do people get so upset over unimportant misunderstandings all the time? Why do people get upset when I ask so many questions. Ha!

Time to Wake Up

At some point, it became clear that there was really no clarity at all—different people experience the world in different ways. An objective way of viewing the world, one that can be measured and manipulated predictably (in alignment with scientific laws), is not how people make decisions or relate to one another. The world operates mostly on subjective experiences which we cannot so easily measure and compare. This is where we primarily hang out. 

Expressing our subjective experience is limited by the capacity of our language to contain increasingly abstract concepts within the limitations of language, especially as we try to express concepts like meaning and life purpose.

You and I can agree that the chicken crossed the road because we can see it do so, but the question remains: Why? Is this related to the chicken’s life purpose?

The less concrete the concept, the harder it is to express. Also, the more likely we’ll miss nuances in the experience which differentiate others’ experiences from our own. This is because our brain makes assumptions that may not necessarily be true. When our understanding differs from the message that was actually delivered (aka true reality), we can experience upset proportional to the size of that gap.

And this is where we miss out BIG. By projecting our own experience on to others…that is to say, by assuming their experience is the same as ours, we miss huge opportunities to expand our idea of what’s possible.

Don’t Let Others Put You In a Box

Fairly often I have the experience of people wanting to put me in a box. Ageism, sexism, and racism absolutely play an important part. Often people assume that if they can’t do it, or couldn’t do it when they were my age, that I must not be able to as well. Because we have the same skills, abilities, talents and strengths, right?

What’s hilarious to me is when it occurs to me that different people put me in diametrically opposed boxes. Older white guys almost never hire my ‘Chief Spiritual Officer’ services, while older women are almost always interested in what I have to say about the energy of their people and business. 

Some people assume certain things about my education because I grew up on a 100-acre farm in the middle of nowhere Ohio. Others assume certain things about me because I work for myself and own my own home. 

And I react to these assumptions. There have been many years of my personal development experience working on not becoming attached to others’ stories.

I actually had someone ask me once if I’ve ever been poor (presumably because I don’t worry about finances anymore). Since when does being well-off financially mean I haven’t experienced poverty?! To me, my past history with ‘being poor’ is my motivation to keep my finances expansive and abundant.

And then I catch myself—how are they to know if I don’t actually express my thoughts, feelings, reactions, and experiences in a way that they can understand?

Instead of being fed the proverbial silver spoon, what I did to excel financially was learn how the system works and then put it to work for me. I often don’t do what most people are likely to do given the circumstances. That’s part of my strategy for success. If you do what everyone else is doing, you’ll get the same results. 

There are very few people that I see day-to-day that I’d like to emulate. Not because they’re doing anything wrong or even undesirable to me, just that I have my own unique mission that I’m on, so I’m up to different things than most people.

Know Thyself

In short, if I wanted to end up like everyone else, then I would copy their actions and behaviors. But I don’t, and there are very few people that I’d like to be when I grow up. So what that tells me is that I must discover different actions. Hence the world’s wisdom traditions: Hermetics, Shamanism, Meditation, Magick.

And that’s why I seek. I seek to find an alternative to the predominant narrative, an alternative system to the current paradigm which clearly has not worked out so well for so many people. It’s easy to see that through the immense suffering in this world. 

So I encourage you to ask yourself, why are you taking the actions everyone else seems to be taking. What results are those actions yielding, and is that what you want? Who are the people that you want to emulate? What actions are they taking? What’s one different action you can take to move towards the life you want to live as opposed to the life you have now?

The key to getting out of your box is to break down the walls that are keeping you in. Those walls are simply thoughts that keep you in the same field you’ve always played in. It’s time to break the walls, and think (and act) outside the box. It’s time to exit the Matrix.

Looking to exit the Matrix? Join us for our next Empower Thyself program and initiation into the Lineage of King Salomon, a Hermetic Order seeking to bring Light and Love to all people, while achieving our spiritual purpose.

Live an Unlimited Life

Live an Unlimited Life

“The core of what I believe is that what we cannot see is more powerful than what we can see. That’s just a core belief of mine. In addition to that, we all have access to more than we know and sometimes the knowing is what gets in the way of what we have access to.” ~Sage Crump

From the beginning of our study in metaphysics, and particularly Hermetics, we are confronted with the sobering truth that of all the resources we have at our disposal to answer one of life’s most profound questions, “Who am I?” is greatly limited by what we perceive. 

What we perceive constrains us. It’s in our ignorance of what we DON’T know where we remain trapped in an almost certain future to be played out according to the logical probabilities of our circumstances. However, like a computer program, when given new programming, an entirely new set of potentialities can catapult us into an entirely new potential future.

For example, contrary to observable phenomena, we are going to Hawai’i much earlier than when we get on the airplane to fly there. We are going to Hawai’i as soon as we purchase our tickets. We might announce to the world (i.e. post on Facebook) that we will soon replace the gray in our weather and mood with those desirable, sun-filled beaches in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. We haven’t left yet, but in our mind, we’re already on our way. 

The act of purchasing the tickets means something and ‘meaning’ in and of itself not observable. It has a greater impact than the 4 elements on your state of mind. The tickets just look like pieces of paper, but the value they have to the individual whose name is lucky enough to be on them is immeasurable.

It’s not a big logical leap, my friends, to the realization that we are limited NOT by the physical laws and apparent boundaries of our 3-D universe, but in fact by those of our mind.

The Universe is MIND

How we interpret, measure, and discern our reality says more about us than about the outside world we seek to explain. We may think that we are conquering nature with our formidable intellect only to be sideswiped by an unknown variable that changes everything. 

What’s possible in life is a function of your capacity to dream big dreams. You are not limited. Your consciousness limits you. Bring more tools, energies, ideas into your consciousness AND the power/will/energy to use them, then watch what happens to your life. Program your consciousness with the food you eat, the art you consume, the people you surround yourself with. In the traditional mystery schools, we use Life Activations to accelerate your opening up progress.

This is why Newton, Copernicus, and Einstein caused waves in the field of physics and continue to inspire new generations of outside the box thinkers. It’s imagination that led them to fields of discovery previously unknown. It’s in our way of thinking, our mind, that the bounds of our universe are created.

It’s time to MIND UP

“If the universe is about realizing its own mental potential in some way, if it’s going to end up in effect, a mental as well as a physical phenomena—that completely changes the character of things.”

Mastering your reality, achieving the life of your dreams, creating results that defy the logic of your present circumstances all require an expansion of what’s currently possible not in your physical reality, but in your mind. It’s time to MIND UP and receive the universal potentialities which are constantly flowing towards you, to be made aware through tools like those given in traditional metaphysics, and more specifically in the lineage of King Salomon, to capture and work with that energy for the betterment of yourself and those around you.

How to Redirect Negativity

How to Redirect Negativity

As we come to the conclusion of Winter, it’s easy to look around and wonder why we didn’t spend more of this beautiful time of year outdoors. However if you’re like me, that is to say, if you like to be WARM, then maybe you aren’t wondering about this at all. The fireplace, a book, and a warm cup of tea suits me very much, thank you.

Despite my hesitation to experience chilly limbs, however, I ventured out to Mt. Hood for some much needed recreation and outdoor therapy last weekend. As I was cross-country skiing around Teacup Lake, with big gusts of wind blowing piles of snow off the laden branches, I thought I might be miserable as a result. To my delight, what I discovered, however, was elation.

Falling Victim to Negative Ego

When we find ourselves in trying or stressful times throughout our lives, it can be difficult to separate the bodily sensation of stress from the mental stories we make up about why this circumstance is happening, of all the possible people on this Earth at this moment, to us.

In short, it’s easy to fall victim to our thoughts of “less than” and “not enough” and “this sucks, I’m out.” The negative ego has endless and devious ways of infiltrating our thoughts. It attempts to replace our connection with the eternal, divine self meant to uplift and expand our potential with that of a limited, narrowly focused ego bystander meant to keep us alive and safe, that’s all.

What the Lineage of King Soloman teachings help us to understand is the importance of context (the objects and people we surround ourselves with) and the benefit of a ‘pause’ between thought and action. You always have a choice to act on your thoughts, and this includes the words you tell yourself or otherwise verbalize to whoever happens to be listening at the moment. 

Redirect Negativity

Here’s a quick exercise to redirect negative thought patterns. Since no one wants to be around negativity, but some people aren’t aware when they’re in it, this can help you get back on track quickly before negatively impacting yourself and others. 

Redirecting Negativity Questions:

  1. How am I feeling right now?
  2. What is the impact?
  3. How do I want to be feeling?
  4. What thoughts, words, and actions will lead to me experience that desired state of being?

Surrounding myself by the beauty of nature helped me to see and learn this lesson in a vast and unforgiving, if beautiful, space. We can’t reasonably expect a mountain to stop spitting snow on us, so we learn to adapt and make the best of it. 

Through the above awareness-building process I discovered I wanted to experience wonder and awe on the mountain. So rather than tell myself how miserable I must be in this cold and wet place, I chose to experience with wonder the beauty of the whirling snow and the power of the mountain winds churning untold numbers of tiny unique snowflakes all around me. As I mentioned, the result transformed my experience.

When we raise our awareness, what naturally results is alignment with our divine self. For me, that occurs like freedom: freedom from the tyranny of my ego mind that wants to keep me safe but results in keeping me small when I could be soaring on the wings of purpose, passion, and grace.

How have you redirected negatively lately? Please share in the comments below!

How Lust, Heart and Focused Intent Help You Manifest Your Dream Life

How Lust, Heart and Focused Intent Help You Manifest Your Dream Life

Opening up is hard to do and the challenge of the Great Work is to stay in your process even when you want to hit the ‘eject’ button. Recently I traveled to Japan to deepen my study with this work and I’m finding the tremendous impact of that time continuing to bear fruit in my everyday, lived life. 

Focused Intent

A big theme for me in the last year has been focus, and I’m continuing to make inroads into the alchemy of that conversation. Our teachers say that everyday we should be working with the combination of lust, heart, and focused intent to manifest the reality we want to live in.

Where I’ve gone awry in the past has been around getting very excited about a variety of projects. Since I have many competencies and talents, and a drive to get shit done, I also have a valuable contribution to make towards them. 

So I end up stretching myself too thin through those commitments. By that I mean I become ineffective in producing results everywhere because I’m not bringing enough focus in any one place or project. 

Even with an aligned heart energy and sustained lust to produce the fruits of that project, without the focused intention I really can’t get anywhere with it.

To that end, I’ve been making changes slowly but surely. The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light has been holding the pace of my progress compassionately and now it’s time to rev up the engine of transformation and change once again!

Leaning in 

I closed one of my businesses in January that’s been fairly successful though not very glamorous over the years. That was hard to do. I didn’t want to and I knew I had to in order to realize and activate more of what I am becoming.

This act opened up a whole chunk of time for me to re-invest into my other projects that allow me to do my heart work in the world and fulfill the mission I’m here to accomplish with greater impact. Generally, I’m happier for it and may not be worse off for it financially. New clients and paid projects have emerged since then to allow for me expand into the work I’m destined to do.

A greater impact

I’ve been able to accelerate my learning and development to support the bigger energy that I’m pulling down to support myself, my family, and my community. This has resulted in more people stepping forward to realize their truth and express their unique divinity. This has also provided to me more opportunities aligned with my mission to express my unique divinity as well!

 So, when the going gets tough, remember to stay present to your mission (heart), choose where you’re at, and focus your intent on where you want to be to forward that mission (lust). The world needs you to do your Great Work!