What Everybody Ought to Know About Vesica Pisces

What Everybody Ought to Know About Vesica Pisces

So what’s the deal with Sacred Geometry?

There is geometry all around us. Literally, while you’re reading this, you could look around and find some shapes in your surrounding that are communicating some geometric messages. So, aren’t you curious about how to integrate the use of sacred geometry into your life? Doing so can amplify our sense of inner peace and strengthen our sense of interconnectivity. 

Learning how to read the messages within geometric patterns and shapes can be super empowering. We can begin to realize that certain shapes are encoded with Universal Principles that govern the continuum we live within. Honoring these shapes & really breathing them into our eyes can provide us with serene mental landscapes filled with peace and ease. 

Sacred Geo Spotlight on Vesica Pisces

One of the shapes that we find most notably inspiring is the Vesica Pisces, which is formed by two circles intersecting. This shape is important in that it’s been utilized as a Divine symbol throughout mystical history; it’s been used since Ancient Egypt and passed down by Freemasons and sacred geometricians. 

While it represents different things to different people, the Vesica Pisces is often associated with the union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine; the two circular depictions of wholeness overlap to combine, creating a third thing. Alone, the circle represents the venerable whole that can be described as the One Source, The All. Then, these two overlapping circles (expressions of the primordial duality, Yin and Yang, each whole in their own regard), combine to create the Divine Offspring. This third thing is the nectar, the Divine Offspring, giving rise to all life and consciousness.  

Consider this your invitation to incorporate the Vesica Pisces into your life. Perhaps you’d like to contemplate the shape by gazing into its geometric truth and simplicity sometime this week. Allow yourself time and space to really absorb it’s teachings, how it can apply to your life, and where its power can be applied. This emblem can become a generator of immense power from Source, with proper meditation. Enjoy! 

Who Else Wants to Feel More Compassion?

Who Else Wants to Feel More Compassion?

If You Give, You Can Receive

‘Tis the season, everyone! It’s that time of year that many wisdom traditions point to, where the sacrificed God dies before coming back to life. And so too, is our natural world going into hibernation; the correlations between the natural cycles and the mystical narrative are uncanny.  

Regardless of your religious stance, your orientation toward faith or disposition around organized religion, this is a time that’s wrought with meaning, mysticism and historical miracles. Worth exploring, no?

Cosmologically speaking, we in the Northern Hemisphere are immersed in the darkest part of the year (the entrance into this planetary phase shift was expounded upon in our Autumnal blog post). We enter into darkness so we can rise from the depths, come Spring. It’s now that we plant the seeds of today that will become the fruits of tomorrow. We’re composting all the bits; take stock of everything that happened this year; our successes and our failures, remembering that failure tastes far better than regret. And we move onward! Digesting all that’s ready to be processed, and doing so in the fertile darkness of these winter months. 

At the level of the collective, we’re called to gather together and celebrate our togetherness. We can see our presence as a gift to one another; after so much time of isolation and separation, the ability to gather this coming holiday season is a true gift beyond the material realm.

So what does this translate to, personally? 

Well, we find ourselves invited into communion. Communion with Spirit, with each other, with our families and with our loved ones. There are opportunities in the coming weeks for intentional connection, and whether or not that’s the ‘norm’ in your family or your friend circles, if you’re reading this, chances are you’ve been put on assignment by Spirit to incorporate it! 

Here are some simple ways to invoke the Spirit of Christ Consciousness and compassion into our lives. 

With self: practice mirror gazing with yourself this week & only allow positive, loving statements to come from your lips. Speak to the successes you’ve accomplished this year and emphasize the giving and loving aspects of yourself.

With family + community: invite the group for a shared moment in time; this could look like a prayer, a simple shared breath, a moment of silence, or a collective ritual. There are no barriers to entry here; you’ll feel great after gathering folks together in service of a shared reality. 

With the planet + cosmos: present yourself to the sky at some point before the end of the year. Introduce yourself in your highest light. When we present ourselves as a present, giving ourselves as a gift, this energy emanates outward in ways immeasurable yet deeply impactful. 

Consider this your explicit invitation to continue the frequency of love and compassion throughout the year. The collective consciousness can be steeped in themes of fellowship, family, joy and celebration, so long as we each do our part to contribute that vibration. Giving is the underlying current right now, and you can decide whether you give your contribution to the collective in that light.

And trust me, if you do, you’ll feel the gifts of that giving in months to come! 

Build a Relationship with Ancestry You Can Be Proud Of 

Build a Relationship with Ancestry You Can Be Proud Of 

Have you ever thought about your relationship to those that came before us? We’re talking about more than your family heritage or bloodline; ancestry can extend beyond one’s own personal family to encapsulate the vast expanse of the human endeavor. We can connect to each other through the preservation of traditions that ignite our souls from within. In this way, we can create stronger support systems across our human family, and forge futures within Lineages that resonate with our soul’s mission during this lifetime. 


That said, let’s start with an acknowledgement of our family heritage. For, this can be foundational for the way we relate to our human ancestors at large. Building a relationship with our bloodline is an integral piece of the personal puzzle; if there is any resentment or unresolved tensions in the family bloodline, this can result in stagnancy and potentially blood clots. Not healthy. The circulation of healthy blood (through our relationship with our own bloodline) is a personal experience. We’re not suggesting you pick up the phone and attempt to make amends with your Aunt Gertrude who betrayed your Father’s trust, whose resentment you continue to let live through you to this day. Instead, consider this an invitation to explore what forgiveness feels like, as you connect with Aunt Gertrude (for example) and her humanity. 


Keys for Harmonizing Familial Heritage 


→ Forgiveness : acknowledging any harm done to you or by you, knowingly or unknowingly, and forgiving and releasing it. 


Restoring Connections : Incorporating family totems into your altar or homespace, writing a letter to a family member, exploring some traditional music from your family’s country of origin.


Create a Vow : Invite yourself to identify a value or two that you hold, within the realm of families and communities. Create a vow for you to live that value and embody it every day. 


Alright, so once some of the keys mentioned are used to unlock some dormant spaces in our bloodline relations, we can begin to expand. Widening the scope of our human family, we recognize that there are myriad families to which we all belong. So, in our process of personal development, it’s essential that we forge new paths while sustaining a healthy relationship with one’s own bloodline. 


At the end of the day, it’s an exciting idea to think about making our ancestors proud. Regardless of your family heritage and what role your ancestors have played within the complexities of the human historical milieu, it’s likely they were doing the best they could with the resources they had available to them. Acknowledging the growth and trajectory of your personal journey, it may be that you’re ready to extend your reach beyond your family bloodline. Exploring human traditions that have been part of our evolutionary history is an exciting and empowering path to walk. Regardless of your heritage, you can unlock higher expressions of your DNA. And this, dear friends, is very exciting!